Where's Wally? The Treasure Hunt : Activity Book - Martin Handford

Where's Wally? The Treasure Hunt

Activity Book

By: Martin Handford

Paperback | 1 September 2016

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Join Wally and friends on four fantastic adventures in search of tremendous treasures! Can you solve all of the amazing activities and puzzling puzzles using just your brain power and a pen?

Seek out four lost treasures (a shell, a gem, a feather and a star) as you play great games out at sea, across lands, up in the sky and in outer space! Split into four journeys, this book is packed with hundreds of searches, plus mazes, word puzzles, matching games, spot-the-difference, quizzes, riddles, tangle line teasers and more! Not forgetting the end of book checklists with lots of extra things to find! Hours of mind-bending fun to return to again and again! Wow!

Brains will be stretched to the limits by this huge collection of mind-boggling puzzles.
The Where's Wally? series has sold over 62 million copies worldwide in 31 languages.
Wally has reached celebrity status! He has been referenced in the primetime American TV shows Frasier, The Simpsons and Friends; has appeared on the 1000th anniversary cover of Rolling Stone magazine as a cultural icon of the last 40 years; and has even been found on Google Earth.

About the Illustrator

Martin Handford spent much of his childhood drawing and his earliest influences were cinema epics and playing with toy soldiers. At art college he continued to draw what he calls "busy and militarily correct battle scenes" which led to his job as a freelance illustrator specialising in drawing crowd scenes for numerous clients. Each picture takes Martin months to draw. "As I work my way through a picture, I add Wally when I come to what I feel is a good place to hide him," he explains.

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