How the Sun Got to Coco's House - Bob Graham

How the Sun Got to Coco's House

By: Bob Graham

Paperback | 1 October 2017

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With an eye for capturing small moments of shared experience, Bob Graham illuminates the natural wonder that comes with every new day.

From prolific and multi-award winning writer and illustrator Bob Graham comes an enchanting story about the sun, and how it makes its journey from the far side of the world to the home of one small girl.

While Coco sleeps far away, the sun rises up behind a snowy peak and casts its mellow dawn light for the wandering polar bears. It skims across the icy water, touching a fisherman's hat and catching for a moment in the eye of a whale. The sun races through the countryside, greeting snow cats and bears. High over a desert it meets the rain in a halo of colours... The sun leaps whole countries, chasing the night, before bursting at last in a fanfare of warm golden light through Coco's window!
  • Bob Graham's books are multi-award winning and have sold over two million copies worldwide!
  • The story offers a gentle lesson in natural science as it follows the sun rising above so many different countries, over so many different people and animals, travelling the whole globe before reaching little Coco's house.

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