Josie's Lost Tooth - Jennifer K. Mann

Josie's Lost Tooth

By: Jennifer K. Mann

Paperback | 1 March 2019

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What if you’re first and best at everything – except losing your first tooth?

Josie is the monkey-bars champion, the first one to read a whole book by herself, and the second fastest runner in her class. But she’s the worst at losing teeth – the only kid in her class who still has all her baby teeth!

One night, Josie finally feels a tooth wiggle, just a little, and she can’t wait to show her best friend, Richard, at school. But nothing makes the tooth fall out – not hanging upside down, chomping on an apple, or even pulling on the tooth with a string...

Until, that is, Josie trips and goes splat, and the tooth is lost for good. Now what can she leave under her pillow for the tooth fairy?
  • The perfect pick for a child who has lost a tooth – or really wants to lose a tooth!
  • Explores competition among peers (who is the best at something ... or the last) in a gentle way.
  • Features a relatable and sweet friendship between a girl and boy who share a love of sharks.

About the Author

Jennifer K. Mann used to be an architect, but became a children’s book author and illustrator when she realized she preferred drawing people better than buildings. She is the creator of the picture books Two Speckled Eggs, Sam and Jump and I Will Never Get a Star on Mrs Benson’s Blackboard.

Jennifer lives in the USA, on an island near Seattle, with her husband, children, dogs, cats and chickens.

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