See Inside First World War : With over 70 flaps to lift - Rob Lloyd Jones

See Inside First World War

With over 70 flaps to lift

By: Rob Lloyd Jones

Hardcover | 1 June 2013

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Fascinating flap book packed with interesting information about the First World War, from the start of the conflict in 1914, to its final resolution in 1918.

Each of the eight double-page spreads have several flaps to lift to find out even more about the War - look inside trenches, see an attack across no man's land, what goes on inside a tank, or how fighter planes defended the skies against airships.

Scenes include a battleship fight, the war in the skies, trenches on the Western Front, and a tank battle in no man's land. Other titles also available in the series include: See Inside: The Second World War and See Inside: London.
Industry Reviews
'Perfectly pitched for Key Stage 2, a mix of facts, humour and novelty flaps...This series is proof that the right non-fiction still sells.' The Bookseller

'A super collection of information books from Usborne, which really engage the reader by providing interesting information, colourful graphics and plenty of flaps with yet more information.' Parents in Touch

'As a first introduction for younger readers, Rob Lloyd Jones's See Inside the First World War presents the information in small-sized bites and with the help of flaps.' Guardian Children's Books

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