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HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change : Harvard Business Review Must Reads - Harvard Business Review Press

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change

Harvard Business Review Must Reads

By: Harvard Business Review Press

Paperback | 8 January 2011 | Edition Number 1

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Most company's change initiatives fail. Yours don't have to. If you read nothing else on change, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of "Harvard Business Review" articles and selected the most important ones to help you spearhead change in your organization. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change will inspire you to: lead change through eight critical stages; establish a sense of urgency; overcome addiction to the status quo; mobilize commitment; silence naysayers; minimize the pain of change; concentrate resources; and, motivate change when business is good.

About the Author

HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever-changing business environment. Classic ideas, enduring advice, the best thinkers: HBR's 10 Must Reads.

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