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The Science Book : Sterling Milestones : From Darwin to Dark Energy, 250 Milestones in the History of Science - Clifford A. Pickover

The Science Book : Sterling Milestones

From Darwin to Dark Energy, 250 Milestones in the History of Science

By: Clifford A. Pickover (Editor)

Hardcover | 1 November 2018

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From astronomy to psychology, this beautifully illustrated chronology presents the most important and groundbreaking milestones in science.

Award-winning author Cliff Pickover (The Math Book, The Physics Book, and The Medical Book) gathers into one fully illustrated volume the most important thinkers and ideas in the history of science. This unique omnibus edition includes 250 thoughtfully selected entries from many of the science-based books in the Sterling Milestones series, including math, physics, medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering, psychology, and space.

With a new introduction by Pickover explaining how this impressive collection was curated, The Science Book showcases humanity’s greatest achievements and provides readers with a sense of wonder at the diversity of scientific discovery.

About the Author

Clifford Pickover has published more than 50 books, translated into a dozen languages. He received his PhD from Yale University, has been granted more than 450 US patents, and been elected a Fellow for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Pickover's The Math Book won the Neumann Prize, awarded every two years for the best book in the history of mathematics aimed at a broad audience. He lives in Yorktown Heights, NY.

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