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Hear Her Howl - Kim DeRose

Hear Her Howl

By: Kim DeRose

Hardcover | 11 February 2026

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As fiercely feminist as it is hopeful, this speculative, sapphic YA romance is simultaneously a modern-day war cry and a PSA that there is a wolf who slumbers us all-we only have to wake her.

Rue's life is over. After she's caught kissing a girl behind the Sunday School classrooms, she gets exiled to Sacred Heart so she can be transformed into her mother's idea of a respectable lady. The irony of being sent to-of all places-an all-girls Catholic boarding school is not lost on Rue, especially when she falls immediately and irreversibly under the spell of its ethereal, ferocious outcast, Charlotte Savage.

But there's more to Charlotte than her sharp gaze and even sharper tongue: Charlotte Savage is, against all logic, a werewolf. AndRuecan become one, too-any woman can, if she's brave enough to heed the wild that howls inside of her.

She and Charlotte aren't alone in answering the call, and upon forming a wolf pack of wild girls who refuse to remain docile,Rue realizes she couldn't have been more wrong. Her life isn't over. It's just beginning.

This world is not kind to women, much less wild women...but God help the man who tries to cage the girls of Sacred Heart.

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