Doll's House Department Store Sticker Book : Doll's House Sticker Books - Minna Lacey

Doll's House Department Store Sticker Book

By: Minna Lacey, Erica Salcedo-Saiz (Illustrator)

Paperback | 24 April 2017

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A luxury department store from the Edwardian era - just over 100 years ago. Full of elegantly decorated rooms displaying a wide range of goods from clothes, hats and jewellery to toys, furniture and haberdashery. Also includes a magnificent food hall, a hair salon, an art gallery and a roof garden where customers can go to relax and meet friends.

Illustrations: Full colour throughout

WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months because of small parts. Choking Hazard.

About the Author

Minna Lacey has been writing books for Usborne since 2004, about all kinds of topics - from machines and nature to Christopher Columbus and the Olympics. Born in London, Minna worked as a journalist in Bogota, Colombia, and New York before returning to London to write. She loves reading, drawing, photography, ping pong and Salsa dancing and has two children called Finn and Poppy.