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Republic of Venice : De magistratibus et republica Venetorum - Gasparo Contarini

Republic of Venice

De magistratibus et republica Venetorum

By: Gasparo Contarini, Filippo Sabetti (Editor), Giuseppe Pezzini (Translator), Amanda Murphy (Translator)

Hardcover | 8 November 2019

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At a time when social scientists are increasingly focusing on the reasons why nations fail and democracies die, Filippo Sabetti turns to the opposite issue, asking instead why institutions endure. To do so, he presents Gasparo Contarini's sixteenth-century description of the Republic of Venice to help modern readers understand what made Venice the longest-lived self-constituted republic.

In its long history, Venice was the only city that succeeded in constructing a durable republicanism, and it was one of the earliest to depart from the hierarchical world of national monarchies and sovereignties. Sabetti suggests that students of politics will find Contarini's The Republic of Venice just as instructive, if not more so, as Machiavelli's The Prince. In his analysis of human nature, Contarini matches Machiavelli's secularism and realism, but goes much further; examining the case of Venice, he shows how it is possible for fallible human beings to construct a successful and stable government. This is the first modern English-language edition of Contarini's classic work, based directly on the original Latin.
Industry Reviews

There is a growing interest in the history of political institutions; Contarini's is an important voice in the development of balance of powers, and his influence on English and early American thinkers makes this a book that would be relevant to scholars and citizens interested in the Atlantic Republican tradition.

- Monique O'Connell, Department of History, Wake Forest University

Well-structured, and accessibly translated, The Republic of Venice will stimulate and aid students of history and politics as they assess the global scope and significance of Venetian political ideals and realities. This book is an original contribution to the field of Venetian historiography and the history of political ideas.

- Stephen Bowd, School of History, Classics & Archaeology, University of Edinburgh

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