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My Non-Political FBI : From Hoover to a Violent America - Bob Pence

My Non-Political FBI

From Hoover to a Violent America

By: Bob Pence

Paperback | 1 October 2020

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The FBI as seen from the inside Bob Pence found his dream job in being an FBI Agent. Working his way up to Special Agent in Charge, Bob was assigned throughout the United States to combat crime for the Bureau. He was in the South during the civil rights unrest of the 1960s, was trained in Cantonese Chinese for assignments in the Big Apple, was responsible for security at FBI Headquarters and all FBI properties throughout the world, and helped thwart the efforts of bank robbers, drug dealers, and outlaw motorcycle gang members. He and his team helped close down the polluted and controversial Rocky Flats nuclear site in Colorado. Bob also details the acceptance and growth of female Special Agents working in the FBI, what is required to become a Special Agent, and comments on the troubling trend he sees of the growing violence in America. This book is an informative and loving look at the Bureau and the Special Agents that serve there.

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