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Generation of Vipers - Philip Wylie

Generation of Vipers

By: Philip Wylie

Paperback | 1 September 1996 | Edition Number 2

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Perhaps the most vitriolic attack ever launched on the American way of living-from politicians to professors to businessmen to Mom to sexual mores to religion--Generation of Vipers ranks with the works of De Tocqueville and Emerson in defining the American character and malaise.

Wylie's classic, written with devastating wit and a pen as
sharp as a barber's razor, wages war on all forms of American hypocrisy.
Remarkably, or perhaps not so, what Philip Wylie has to say rings as
true today as when he first wrote Vipers, and no doubt it will continue
to offend and outrage both the Left and Right. Harsh, bitter, and filled
with venom toward those who have corrupted the America that "could have
been," Generation of Vipers will be read with pleasure and indignation a
century from now.

Industry Reviews
"In this 1942 volume, Wylie, one of the founders of The New Yorker, attacks everything imaginable, from politics to religion to mothers. He could give H.L Mencken a run for his money as the most opinionated person of the 20th century. Considering the world hasn't improved much in the last 50 years, much of what he says has great relevance today." -- Library Journal

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