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Sensory Writing for Stage and Screen : An Etude-Based Process of Exploration - Michael Wright

Sensory Writing for Stage and Screen

An Etude-Based Process of Exploration

By: Michael Wright

Paperback | 5 January 2015

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Through a series of systematic explorations across a wide range of scenarios, Sensory Writing for Stage and Screen offers script writers exercises for attending to their own sensory experiences as a means to exploring the sensory experiences—and worlds—of the characters they create.

Industry Reviews
"Few people live as passionately in the world of writing as Michael Wright, and this exploration of the sensory dimension of creativity enhances any discussion of dramatic writing. Sensory Writing for Stage and Screen through its clever use of a series of 'etudes' invites us into the close-to-the-bone world of human experience on its most intimate level. What we smell, taste, hear, see and feel takes center stage here. Mr. Wright challenges us to create characters as complex as we ourselves areboth celebrants and victims of our own senses. His book evokes the lushness of every human life and reminds us that all great characters (like ancient cities) are composed of layers and layers of their own experience." Lee Blessing, Playwright, A Walk in the Woods , Eleemosynary "Writers face an occupational hazard: spending so much time in their heads that they neglect the world which needs their stories. Michael Wright reconnects you to the senses that can and must fuel your workand unlike other teachers out to show you how they write, Michael helps you learn how you write." Brian Nelson, Screenwriter, Hard Candy , 30 Days of Night , Devil