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Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management : Harvard Business Review Book - Peter F. Drucker

Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management

By: Peter F. Drucker

Paperback | 21 August 2003

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For nearly half a century, Peter Drucker has inspired and educated managers—and influenced the nature of business with his landmark articles in the Harvard Business Review. Here, gathered together and framed by a thoughtful introduction from the Review's editor Nan Stone, is a priceless collection of his most significant work. One of our leading thinkers on the practice and study of management, Drucker has sought out, identified, and examined the most important issues confronting managers, from corporate strategy to management style to social change. Through his unique lens, this volume gives us the rare opportunity to trace the evolution of the great shifts in our workplaces, and to understand more clearly the role of managers. Infused with a perspective that holds new relevance today, these essays represent Drucker at his best: direct, wise, and challenging. Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management, sure to be enjoyed, studied, and debated by everyone concerned with management, is a timely offering from one of the most respected and prolific authors to appear in the Harvard Business Review.

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