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Become a Medical Intuitive - Second Edition : The Complete Developmental Course - Tina M. Zion

Become a Medical Intuitive - Second Edition

The Complete Developmental Course

By: Tina M. Zion

Paperback | 7 January 2019 | Edition Number 2

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This book provides a complete training experience for anyone seeking to become a medical intuitive. Each chapter offers step-by-step advice to intensify existing intuitive abilities and x-ray perception. Outcomes include: developing inner sight for the deeper cause of illness, accessing a person's eternal story for healing, understanding the electromagnetic energy of thought and emotion, assessing what vibrational colors of the aura are saying, doing distance assessments, and much more. This teaching manual is for lay people, medical practitioners, energy healers, professional intuitives and mediums, or anyone who yearns to develop their intuitive abilities. 
Industry Reviews
Become a Medical Intuitive - Second edition, is the winner of the Body, Mind, Spirit Book Award in the Energy Healing category.

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