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The Complete Fables of La Fontaine : A New Translation in Verse - Jean de la Fontaine

The Complete Fables of La Fontaine

A New Translation in Verse

By: Jean de la Fontaine, Craig Hill (Translator), Edward Sorel (Illustrator)

Paperback | 18 April 2011

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In this wonderful, vigorously contemporary translation, Craig Hill has captured the liveliness, satiric wit, and poetic beauty that made Jean de la Fontaine famous during his lifetime and his Fables celebrated as a masterwork of world literature ever since. Despite la Fontaineâs deceptively modest claim that all he intended was to put the moral tales of Aesop and other ancient fabulists into poetry for the pleasure of Louis XIVâs young son, his real accomplishment, as later generations have understood, was holding a mirror up to the society of his day and, in the process, fashioning a work that has become a classic.
Borrowing from a variety of sources, la Fontaine gave the hitherto mute animals in ancient fables the power of speech. Backstabbing politicians, brainless nincompoops, charlatans, clueless heads of state, egomaniacs, empty-headed celebrities, foolish investors, gluttons, liars, pennyâ"pinchers, self-important blowhards, and wastrelsâ"these are the targets of la Fontaineâs pen. In this beautifully bound collectorâs edition, Craig Hill has given us a rare treat: both the irreverent spirit and the vivid poetry that have made la Fontaineâs fables beloved through the ages, continuing to amuse and inspire centuries after they ?rst appeared in print.

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