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Frommer's Easyguide to Alaska Cruises and Ports of Call : Easy Guides - Frommer's Travel Guide

Frommer's Easyguide to Alaska Cruises and Ports of Call

By: Frommer's Travel Guide, Gene Sloan

Paperback | 25 November 2014 | Edition Number 2

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Both the Inside Passage of Alaska and the Gulf of Alaska are among the single most popular of all cruise destinations, and multitudes of cruisers will welcome this expert assistance in choosing a cruise and the activities on ship and land that the cruise offers. We're proud that our Easy Guide to Alaska Cruises and Ports of Call is by two foremost experts on the subject: Fran Golden, who writes about cruising for USA Today, and Gene Sloan, who oversees the two important cruise websites of USA Today. Together, they have been on far more than 100 cruises, and the results of that experience are strikingly evident in this well-regarded guidebook.