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DARK AGENDA : The War to Destroy Christian America - David Horowitz


The War to Destroy Christian America

By: David Horowitz

Hardcover | 11 June 2019

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"Read this disturbing but vital book." -- Tucker Carlson

From the New York Times bestselling BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win author and leading conservative thinker comes DARK AGENDA, an extraordinary look into the left's calculated efforts to create a godless, heathen American society -- and how these efforts must be stopped.

And it is written by David Horowitz, a Jew.

In Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, Horowitz warns that the rising attacks on Christians and their beliefs threaten all Americans -- including Jews like himself. The liberal establishment and their radical allies envision a new millennium in which Christianity is banished, Horowitz argues. He says that Judeo-Christian values are at the very root of America's democracy. Kill off such values and all of our freedoms could perish.

Horowitz examines how our elites -- increasingly secular and atheist -- are pushing a radical agenda:

  • How the left trashes Christian doctrines critical to the American Republic, much like radical Islam's war on "infidel" cultures like ours.
  • Why the left fights to keep prayer and religion out of public schools, and how those efforts fly in the face of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson's intentions.
  • How fanatical liberals helped create the religious right by targeting evangelicals and believing Catholics and other conservatives.
  • How Barack Obama's ultra-liberal agenda galvanized the anti-God, anti-religious left.
  • The violent and shocking manifesto of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who advocated the use of dynamite to promote "revolutionary solidarity."

Filled with stories that demonstrate the mind-numbing reasons behind the secular Left's smug disdain for Christianity, Horowitz traces the history of religious liberty from the Founding Fathers to now. He shows how the Founding Fathers put aside their own skepticisms about God and religion to write The Declaration of Independence.

Today, he writes Donald Trump's "genuine love for his country" has galvanized Christians to fight the secular war waged against them -- as the president has become a lightning rod for the radical left.

David Horowitz's powerful new book brings vital insights into the war against Christianity and names the global radicals, leftist Democrats, and money-hungry fat cats of Hollywood and Wall Street responsible for it. Finally, a clear and sensible American voice -- one that is not Christian but Jewish -- stands up to the twisted rantings of those who want to tear down faith and bedrock of American values. David Horowitz delivers an impassioned plea for the restoration of political sanity in America, a perspective that made America great by respecting the faiths of our fathers and mothers.

"One of the most intellectually compelling and rational defenses of Christianity's role in America." -- Gov Mike Huckabee

The Best Book on Politics for Christians in 2019 -- The Stream

Industry Reviews

Praise for Bestselling DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America by David Horowitz

"The Best Book on Politics for Christians in 2019." - The

"One of the most intellectually compelling and rational defenses of Christianity's role in America. A Delightfully readable explanation of how Christian principles were the bedrock of the American Revolution, and how the anti-American left has targeted Christians because of that." - Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas and Christian Minister

"Read this disturbing but vital book." - Tucker Carlson, TV Host of Tucker Carlson Tonight

"Exposes the intolerance of many atheists toward those who believe in God. As a Jewish agnostic, I think it is imperative that disbelievers not demonize believers and that believers not demonize disbelievers." - Alan Dershowitz, former Harvard Law Professor and noted academic, lawyer and civil libertarian

"An eye-opening account of the left's sixty-year war against America's Christian foundations. If you want to understand the political crisis our country is facing, read this book." - Gary Bauer, former Reagan Chief Domestic Policy Adviser, former President of Family Research Council and former President American Values

"David Horowitz has succinctly and wisely laid out the plans of the left to move our country away from the God given right of freedom to practice our faith as our founders envisioned" - Tom Coburn, for United States Senator and Senior Advisor to Convention of States Project

"David Horowitz understands the attacks on Christianity better than any academic-he has been in the trenches of the Left and knows exactly what makes them tick. His keen eye, sharpened by his experiences, offers the reader a magnifying glass to see how and why these assaults are so vicious and so relentless. Thank God we have him on our side. - Bill Donohoe, President of Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

"If you want to understand the Leftist, secularist war against Christianity and our First Amendment freedoms, you must read Dark Agenda. It will make you think, it will make you pray, and it will motivate you to action." - Michael Youssef PhD, is the Founder and President of Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef and author of The Third Jihad

"In Dark Agenda, Horowitz exposes the sloppy logic elitist bullies and leftist cranks employed to impose their eccentric agendas on America." - John Zmirak, Senior Editor of The Stream

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