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You're Not Alone : Three Trimesters of Stories About Surviving Loss - Michelle Dana Mason Fulton

You're Not Alone

Three Trimesters of Stories About Surviving Loss

By: Michelle Dana Mason Fulton

Paperback | 15 December 2022

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This book is not just a single story from one person; it covers a vast cross section of both bereaved mothers and fathers, from all backgrounds. This highlights to the reader (if they have experienced loss) that they are not alone. They are given a community of support to help strengthen themselves against feelings of shame, guilt, depression, and isolation. They are given ideas about what might help them to manage their pain, and give them hope that the vastness of the despair they feel will not always engulf them so wholly. Not only does the book address aiding those who are grieving, but also, in donated proceeds, it helps to fund the research that will reduce these tragic instances in the future.

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