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The Franchise: New York Rangers : A Curated History of the Rangers - Rick Carpiniello

The Franchise: New York Rangers

A Curated History of the Rangers

By: Rick Carpiniello

Hardcover | 24 October 2023

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In The Franchise: New York Rangers, take a more profound and unique journey into the history of an iconic team.

This thoughtful and engaging collection of essays captures the astute fans' history of the franchise, going beyond well-worn narratives of yesteryear to uncover the less-discussed moments, decisions, people, and settings that fostered the team's iconic identity.

Through wheeling and dealing, mythmaking and community building, explore where the organization has been, how it got to prominence in the modern NHL landscape, and how it'll continue to evolve and stay in contention for generations to come.

Rangers fans in the know will enjoy this personal, local, in-depth look at hockey history.