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For the Life of the World : The Essentials of Episcopal Worship - Samuel Torvend

For the Life of the World

The Essentials of Episcopal Worship

By: Samuel Torvend

Paperback | 21 September 2021

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How do the core actions of worship nurture life with God?

The ecumenical movement of the 20th century revealed a common pattern of worship among Christian communions, a pattern that bears the imprint of distinctive denominational emphases. In this exploration of that pattern, Samuel Torvend invites readers to delve into this flexible tradition that centers a parish in the life of God given for the life of the world.

The basics of Episcopal and Anglican worship in North America are explored in this Little Books series, which invites parishioners and newcomers to consider both the beauty of worship and Episcopal ethical commitments.

Industry Reviews

Samuel Torvend asked a question that I’ve been mulling over since I heard it in 2009: ‘How do we live in the world the things that we rehearse in worship?’ Little Books on Liturgy is a scripturally and theologically grounded series that guides the reader to engage and answer the question through the lens of the Anglican liturgical and lectionary traditions.