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Ultimate Guide to Instagram for Business : Entrepreneur Ultimate Guide - Kim Walsh Phillips

Ultimate Guide to Instagram for Business

By: Kim Walsh Phillips

Paperback | 19 October 2023 | Edition Number 2

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Are you ready to tap into Instagram's booming network of 1.386 billion viable customers? Your customers are on Instagram right now waiting to buy from you.

With this all-new updated Ultimate Guide to Instagram, Second Edition, social media marketing expert Kim Walsh Phillips highlights what's new and innovative, and gives you the tools you need to get an immediate return on investment. From updated cross-platform branding and marketing advice, to all new practical blueprints for funneling followers, this guide unlocks the latest secrets successful entrepreneurs use to grow their following and drive sales directly from Instagram.

Inside, readers will learn:

  • To uncover who your right-fit customers are and how to find them easily on Instagram
  • The secret new ways of going viral to grow your audience and multiply your sales.
  • How to use the newest features of Instagram to drive more business quickly with a simple marketing funnel that works
  • A new content creation formula to make creating content easy and effective.
  • Copy-and-paste resources, and a simple roadmap gets you results fast and easy
  • Brand-new up to date examples, marketing funnels and campaigns
  • New features of Instagram featured; including stickers, stories, polls, and reels

Whether you're new to the Instagram world or you're not sure how to get more out of your profile, this guide is the perfect tool for entrepreneurs ready to flood their business with sales. With this guide's easy-to-use strategies, easy-to-adapt blueprints, and other copy-and-paste resources, you'll unlock the power to become an Instagram Sales Machine

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