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The Guru Leader Within : Ancient Wisdom to Transform Modern Leaders - Susan S. Freeman

The Guru Leader Within

Ancient Wisdom to Transform Modern Leaders

By: Susan S. Freeman

Paperback | 15 August 2023

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In a clear, linear, sequential system, highly regarded executive coach Susan S. Freeman lays out a transformational path for mainstream western business leaders through ancient yogic wisdom, and guides leaders to become better versions of themselves so that they can create positive change in their organizations.

Winner of the 2023 Goody Business Book Awards in Self-Help - Personal Transformation

Despite having a desire to succeed, we are so accustomed to working hard to reach our goals and produce results in the workplace, that many of us sacrifice our deeper humanity in the process. This timely book is ideally suited for the current era of anxiety and global upheaval that has awakened us to our collective dissatisfaction with the status quo. The philosophy of yoga is an ancient, time-tested system that enables us to shift internally so we may continue creating, innovating, and initiating despite pressure and setbacks. An empowering secret is how it enables us to be present, clear, and connected.

Susan utilizes modern vocabulary to share these concepts and simple processes that have been proven effective over several millennia. These yogic principles and practices will transform working relationships from conflict-creating, stress-inducing, goal-oriented, reactive struggles into harmonious, effective, and responsive partnerships. The result will be deeper fulfillment and joy from work, and enable people to see opportunities that were previously hidden. Ultimately, they will feel more confident that they have the right motivations and therefore can trust that they are doing the right things for the right reasons.

Readers will learn:

  • How to stay calm, be resourceful, and confidently respond with compassion and equanimity, even under pressure from external forces
  • Become an inspiring, effective leader (and a more joyful human) through the timeless principles of yoga
  • Discover how to become connected within yourself so that you can always bring your best self to your leadership-and trust it too
  • Create and maintain a healthy culture that values human relationships
  • Understand the simple, sequential system that will shift your perspective while developing an internal compass to get you where you want to go
  • Adapt confidently to stressful changes and setbacks, while getting off the reactive "hamster wheel" once and for all
  • Embrace a complete integrative framework for self-management from the inside out
There is a strong post-pandemic shift to a more humanistic, holistic workplace with a renewed emphasis on people as much as profits. This book is uniquely positioned to make this shift a reality.

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RRP $24.99
