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How Do You Make a Baby? - Anna Fiske

How Do You Make a Baby?

By: Anna Fiske

Hardcover | 4 August 2020

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A factual and funny book for children aged 4 and up that answers the questions all children are curious about.

How does a baby get into the mother's stomach? Who can make a baby, and how is it actually done?

With comic illustrations and a playful tone, this book is a great conversation starter for families and classrooms approaching the topics of sex education, human anatomy and how babies are made. Informational, funny and warm, How Do You Make a Baby? is an intelligent introductory teaching tool that keeps the topic light and easy through humorous language, illustration and inclusivity.

How Do You Make a Baby? gives parents, teachers and children a starting point for open and inclusive discussion on topics including different ways to be a family, same-sex parents, IVF treatment, adoption and a diverse cast of illustrated characters.

"Finally: a 'where do babies come from' book that doesn't mince words--or pictures."--Kirkus Reviews

Anna Fiske is an author, illustrator, and cartoonist. Fiske's playful and distinctive style, both literary and pictorial, has earned her numerous awards and honors for her works. Several of her books have been published with great success in many countries.

Praise for How Do You Make a Baby?
"This frank, cartoon-illustrated picture book answers its titular question with Scandinavian directness...The text's mild cheekiness balances the informational load and should ease shared read-alouds in families unaccustomed to this book's straightforwardness. Answers an often difficult question with humor and even grace."--Kirkus Reviews

"An informational and fun treatment of what can be a difficult subject. Readers will appreciate the humor and straightforward presentation. Recommended for general purchase."--School Library Journal

"The drawings maintain a sense of humor while introducing forthright details about intercourse...This covers-off look at baby-making doesn't leave much to the imagination, and those seeking an uninhibited approach to the topic will welcome this book's directness."--The Horn Book

"5 stars. This book by Anna Fiske is an excellent teaching tool and conversation starter for this tricky topic...This book is fantastically inclusive."--Manhattan Book Review

Industry Reviews
Sometimes it's best to just keep it simple, honest and real. With a book like this one, nothing can go wrong because it's informative, humorous, light and easy to read! * Mr Love's Bookshelf - Instagram *

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