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Trains and Lovers : The Heart's Journey - Alexander McCall Smith

Trains and Lovers

The Heart's Journey

By: Alexander McCall Smith

Paperback | 1 November 2017

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Imagine you're on a train. Think about all the other people on the train with you, what their lives are or have been, and the different experiences you've all had. But there is one more thing that you undoubtedly all share: you have all been in love at one time or another.

In this surprising and poignant story, four strangers meet on a journey from Edinburgh to London. Each has a tale of love and of railways: for Mark, a brief encounter on a railway platform leads to an impulsive and possibly dangerous decision; Kay recounts the long journey back to her childhood home in Australia and the love that was there; David remembers a teenage friendship that faded into love; and Michael makes a discovery that art and people may not be what they seem to be at first glance.

These are very different experiences, but throughout them all runs a deep current of love. And loving others, as one of the characters observes, is the good thing we do in our lives.

Industry Reviews

'His writing is as warm as cocoa, as cosy as thermal underwear, and just what the doctor ordered for cold winter evenings. Exceedingly good'

* The Times *

'A charming, humorous journey of the heart'

* Woman and Home *

'Warm, funny, poignant and touching'

* The Good Book Guide *

'Really rather lovely'

* The Bookbag *

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