Who's Hiding? : Gecko Press Titles - Satoru Onishi

Who's Hiding?

By: Satoru Onishi

Hardcover | 1 January 2018

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Who's hiding? Who's crying? Who's backwards? Look carefully! is it dog, tiger, hippo, zebra, bear, reindeer, kangaroo, lion, giraffe, monkey, bull, rhino, pig, sheep, hen, elephant, or cat? Can you tell? Look again... 18 fun-loving animals can be found on each question-posing page, sending readers into an up-close, attention-to-detail discovery. This book is fantastic to read aloud, especially when you get to the final two pages: Who's eyes? Children learn the names of animals, to recognize expressions, colours and how to count. "It is so simple, and so clever," says Gecko Press publisher, Julia Marhsall. "Whenever I read it out loud I am surprised when I turn the page - it never feels predictable."
Industry Reviews
"I think it is quite brilliant...it's a really special one." -- Kate De Goldi, Radio NZ National
"For the very small, the year's best book" -- New Zealand Listener

"A little gem of (not overly) cutesy Japanese graphic design, which asks about the animals that are illustrated in a simple question and answer format"

-- Metro Magazine

"The interactive aspect means that young children and adults or older siblings can have a lot of fun reading it together, while kids also learn to pay attention to detail."

-- Five Books, Best Kids' Books of 2022

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