Violet Mackerel's Pocket Protest : Violet Mackerel : Book 6 - Anna Branford

Violet Mackerel's Pocket Protest

Violet Mackerel : Book 6

By: Anna Branford, Sarah Davis

Hardcover | 1 July 2013

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Violet Mackerel loves Clover Park. She especially loves to collect acorns from under the big old OAK TREE. But the OAK TREE is going to be cut down. Violet does NOT think this is a good idea! The Oak Tree is important. It is worth trying to Save. And Violet hopes her Pocket Protest will be just the thing to save it.

About the Author

Anna Branford was born in the Isle of Man and spent her early childhood in Sudan and Papua New Guinea before moving to Australia. Creative writing was her favourite subject at school and she wrote stories in all these different countries. Anna is a doll maker and a sociology lecturer at Victoria University. Violet Mackerel's Brilliant Plot was her first published work for Walker Books Australia and was Honour book in the Children s Book Council of Australia, Book of the Year Awards, Younger Readers Notable Books for 2011.

About the Illustrator

Sarah Davis grew up in New Zealand, wearing gumboots and falling in rivers. She worked as a secondary school teacher before moving to Sydney. Sarah is a very busy, award-winning artist who has collaborated with Sue Whiting on Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (New Frontier) and Jennifer Poulter Mending Lucille (Lothian), for which Sarah won the 2009 Children s Book Council of Australia s Crichton Award for Best New Illustrator. Most recently, Sarah s title Fearless, written by Colin Thompson, was short-listed for the 2010 Children s Book Council of Australia Awards. Violet Mackerel s Brilliant Plot was also Honour book in the Children s Book Council of Australia, Book of the Year Awards, Younger Readers Notable Books for 2011.

Other Editions and Formats


Published: 2nd September 2014

The Violet Mackerel Series

Violet Mackerel's Personal Space : Book 4 - Anna Branford
Violet Mackerel's Brilliant Plot : Book 1 - Anna Branford
Violet Mackerel's Remarkable Recovery : Book 2 - Anna Branford