No Bears - Meg McKinlay

No Bears

By: Meg McKinlay, Leila Rudge (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 September 2013

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Ruby is in charge of this book. And she ll tell you something right now. There are NO BEARS in it. Not even one. New paperback edition.

Ruby wants to tell you a story. A story with absolutely no bears. You don t need bears for a book. You need pretty things like fairies and princesses and castles. And maybe funny things and exciting things - but definitely no bears!

About the Author

Meg McKinlay grew up in Bendigo, Victoria, in a book-loving, TV- and car-free household. On the long and winding path to becoming a children's writer, she has worked a variety of jobs including swim instructor, tour guide, translator and teacher. These days, she lives with her family near the ocean in Fremantle and is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Western Australia, where she has taught Australian Literature, Japanese, and Creative Writing. Meg divides her time between teaching and writing, a balance that swings wildly between chaos and calm.

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