Captain Sneer the Buccaneer - Penny Morrison

Captain Sneer the Buccaneer

By: Penny Morrison, Gabriel Evans (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 1 September 2016

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ARRR! Captain Sneer and his hardy crew of buccaneers are in for adventure - and a big surprise - in this rollicking rhyming treasure hunt.

Ahoy there, me hearties! Meet CAPTAIN SNEER - a most boastful buccaneer! He's ROUGH and TOUGH. He's BRAVE and BOLD. He SAILS the SEAS in SEARCH of GOLD!

About the Author

Penny Morrison lives on the Northern Beaches of Sydney and writes funny picture books. She has previously published four board books and a music program. Captain Sneer the Buccaneer is her first trade picture book. Penny grew up in the western suburbs of Sydney and fell in love with picture books while studying early childhood education at the University of Western Sydney. She spent several years teaching in preschools but also travelled full-time with a rock band. Penny is now married to an Anglican minister who is also a jazz musician and author, and they have three creative kids. Penny loves running various children's programs at their church.

About the Illustrator

Gabriel Evans is an illustrator and author from Western Australia. His books include Annie's Snails by Dianne Wolfer and Roses are Blue by Sally Murphy. The latter was a Notable Book in the 2015 CBCA Book of the Year Awards. Gabriel has also written and illustrated a series with Five Mile Press called the Woodland Whiskers. Working in a small messy studio, he creates classically flavoured illustrations with a contemporary twist.

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