Atmosphere of Hope  : Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis - Tim Flannery

Atmosphere of Hope

Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis

By: Tim Flannery

Paperback | 26 August 2015

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Ten years after his internationally bestselling The Weather Makers, acclaimed author and scientist Tim Flannery argues that Earth's climate system is approaching a crisis.

Catastrophe is not inevitable, but time is fast running out. In the lead-up to the United Nations Climate Change Summit to be held in Paris in December 2015, Atmosphere of Hope provides both a snapshot of the trouble we are in and an up-to-the-minute analysis of some of the new possibilities for mitigating climate change that are emerging now.

From atmospheric carbon capture through extensive seaweed farming, CO2 snow production in Antarctica and the manufacture of carbon-rich biochar to reflecting the sun's rays by releasing sulphur into the atmosphere and painting landscapes and cities white, Flannery outlines an array of innovative technologies that give cause for hope.

About the Author

Tim Flannery has published over thirty books including the award-winning The Future Eaters, The Weather Makers and Here on Earth and the novel The Mystery of the Venus Island Fetish. In 2005 he was named Australian Humanist of the Year, and in 2007 Australian of the Year. In 2007 he co-founded and was appointed Chair of the Copenhagen Climate Council. In 2011 he became Australia's Chief Climate Commissioner, and in 2013 he founded and heads the Australian Climate Council. His latest book is Atmosphere of Hope: Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis.
Industry Reviews
'This man is a national treasure, and we should heed his every word.'
Sunday Telegraph

'Thoughtful, candid and-yes-ultimately upbeat, Atmosphere of Hope could not be more timely. It is just the book the world needs right now.'
Elizabeth Kolbert author of The Sixth Extinction

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