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The Social Capitalist : Passion and Profits - An Entrepreneurial Journey - Josh Lannon

The Social Capitalist

Passion and Profits - An Entrepreneurial Journey

By: Josh Lannon, Lisa Lannon

Paperback | 1 January 2013

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Social Entrepreneur is a book about how two ordinary people turn a huge social problem into a solution, not only for themselves but for thousands of others. From Nightclub Owner (Josh) and Law Enforcement Officer (Lisa) to Social Entrepreneurs of Journey Healing Centers (accredited private drug and alcohol treatment centers). They turned their lives around and are building businesses that bring families back together again (by using the Rich Dad principles).
Businesses are evolving to a higher purpose, the why we do what we do. Like the movements across the world and in our own backyards (occupy wall street) people want purpose in their lives. They want to be a positive contribution. We are in the next Mega Trend of a social movement.

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