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Storming Bedlam : Madness, Utopia, and Revolt - Sasha Warren

Storming Bedlam

Madness, Utopia, and Revolt

By: Sasha Warren

Paperback | 19 March 2024

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Mental health care and its radical possibilities reimagined in the context of its global development under capitalism.

The contemporary world is oversaturated with psychiatric programs, methods, and reforms promising to address any number of "crises" in mental health care. When these fail, alternatives to the alternatives simply pile up and seem to lead nowhere. 

In an original and compelling account of radical experimentation in psychiatry, Warren traces a double movement in the global development of mental health services throughout the 20th century: a radical current pushing totalizing and idealistic visions of care to their practical limits and a reactionary one content with managing or eliminating chronically idle surplus populations. 

Moral treatment is read in light of the utopian socialist movement; the theory of communication in the French Institutional Psychotherapy of Féeacute;lix Guattari is put into conversation with the Brazilian art therapy of Nise da Silveira; the Mexican anti-psychiatry movement's reflections on violence are thought together with theories of violence developed in Argentinian psychoanalysis and Frantz Fanon’s anticolonial therapeutic practice; the social form of the Italian Democratic Psychiatry and Brazilian anti-institutional movements are contrasted with the anti-psychiatry factions of the 1960s-70s North American counterculture.

Storming Bedlam: Madness, Utopia, and Revolt subverts the divisions between social and biological approaches to mental health or between psychiatry and anti-psychiatry. By exploring the history of psychiatry in the context of revolution, war, and economic development, Warren outlines a minor history of approaches to mental health care grounded in common struggles against conditions of scarcity, poverty, isolation, and exploitation.

Industry Reviews
Planned endorsements from: Liat Ben-Moshe, author of Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition, Susana C?lo of the Chaosmose project Caroline Rivkah Mazel-Carlton, Director of Training for the Wildflower Alliance Bruce Cohen, author of Psychiatric Hegemony Kerry Morrison, Heart Forward LAHannah Proctor, Radical PhilosophyJohn Foot, author of The Man Who Closed the Asylums: Franco Basaglia and the Revolution in Mental Health CareCamille Robcis, author of Disalienation: Politics, Philosophy, and Radical Psychiatry in Postwar FranceAndrew Scull, author of Psychiatry and Its DiscontentsIan Parker / Helen Spandler, Asylum MagazineAwais Aftab, The Psychiatric TimesVesper Moore, Madness Network News

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