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Sacred Kink : The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond - Lee Harrington

Sacred Kink

The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond

By: Lee Harrington

Paperback | 8 July 2016 | Edition Number 2

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Some of us have had a moment in the middle of fun and sexual exploration that lead to connecting with the divine or having an epiphany about life that was far from expected. Others have been drawn to the possibilities of finding universal truths between the sheets or in the dungeon for all of their lives. Some are aware that their bodies hold the key towards knowing their spirits, but don't know which doors of desire to unlock. Others have glimpsed the limitless where they have been told that only debauchery lives, and are looking to go back for more.

This and more is Sacred Kink.

Modern tools of BDSM, fetishism, kink and erotic adventuring have roots that go far back into history, tools that have been used for reaching altered states of consciousness, creating spiritual epiphanies, and changing lives. Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond explores the sacred roots of kink tools, and the ways kink can be used today for sacred workings. Explore and find practical tools involving:

- Negotiation, Communication and Aftercare for Sacred Kink
- Catharsis, Top Trances and Exorcising Personal Demons
- Ordeals, Earning Leathers, and Ending Relationships
- Energetically Transmitted Diseases and Solo Sex Magic
- Creating Ritual Play Spaces and Dedicated Tools
- Developing Rituals for Dominance and Submission
- Pain Processing and the Dialysis of Desire
- Erotic Shapeshifting and Possession Workings
- The Spiritual Calling of Mastery and Slavery
- Kink and Chemistry Ethics
- ...and so much more.

Whether you're a seasoned explorer or have never delved into the depths of adventurous sex and personal truth, you hold in your hand a roadmap, a set of keys, and an invitation to journey on your own path of Sacred Kink.

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