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Being - In Every Moment of Our Lives - Alain Duhayon

Being - In Every Moment of Our Lives

By: Alain Duhayon, Marie Barincou (Translator), Karuna Fenner (Translator)

Paperback | 4 April 2023

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Spiritual Practice and Daily Life's Collection

The aim of this collection of essays is to bring together themes that were developed during lectures and teaching sessions. These teachings respond to the questions of practitioners who encountered obstacles, in their daily life, and in their practice.

Although these themes are approached in a Buddhist framework, they may also be of interest to anyone seeking responses to the difficulties of daily life in a turbulent modern world.

The first book in this collection "Petits galets sur le chemin" [Small Peebles on the Path, not translated into English], provided an overview of a path by answering questions asked by both beginners and experienced practitioners.

Each moment in a day-as in a life-is interdependent with all the others. Therefore, it is important to use methods that take this interdependence into account if we wish to have a better experience of our lives-to be better. This vision includes all the elements of our daily lives. It avoids superficial practices that only offer the illusion of progress. Resolutely positive, this deeply profound book reveals a path of wisdom that allows us to bring greater relaxation and awareness to our daily lives, if only we follow it.

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