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Urban Coalition for Ukraine : Strategies and Proposals - Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine

Urban Coalition for Ukraine

Strategies and Proposals

By: Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine (Editor), Fulco Treffers, Tetyana Oliynyk, Lilet Breddels

Paperback | 16 January 2024

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This publication reflects the work of the first year of Ro3kvit â" Urban Coalition for Ukraine. The members are profes­sionals from Ukraine and elsewhere who have come together to rethink Ukraine's future.

In six chapters covering topics ranging from urbanism to housing and from identity to circular building and governance, the many different aspects of rebuilding and reconstruction are addressed in the form of longer essays, conversations, and project descriptions. All texts and projects are written or executed by Ro3kvit members. Sometimes the authors express their personal views and involvement, creating a rich amalgam of different voices while adhering to a common set of values that members of Ro3kvit share and cherish. Roзkvit's work follows five principles: Civil society comes first, Ro3kvit's work is ethically sound, Consideration of prudent use of sources and resources, Education is crucial, Ro3kvit's work is network-based.

This title is part of the Histories of Ukrainian Architecture programme initiated by DOM publishers in response to Russia's attack on Ukraine's sovereignty on 24 February 2022.

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