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Dentro de mi imaginacin (Inside My Imagination) - Marta Arteaga

Dentro de mi imaginacin (Inside My Imagination)

By: Marta Arteaga, Zuzanna Celej (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 11 June 2013

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Winner of the Living Now Awards 2013, International Latino Book Awards 2013 and Moonbeam Children Books Awards 2013. There is a door in every one of us that leads to our imagination, a world where anything is possible. Dou you dare to embark on the most wonderful journey to our inner-self?

One day when I was reading my story, I breathed in one of the words and something magical happened... I entered my imagination!

We have always been told about the power of imagination, but what is imagination? How does it work? There is a magical place where you can always be yourself. In there you can turn on your light and illuminate your life with it. That place is your imagination. Your imagination has a life and a voice of its own. It is like a voice that speaks inside of you and paints everything around you with vivid colors.

Within your imagination you are the king or queen of your creation. Open the door and discover how that place where we can always be ourselves is like and how does it work. And within your imagination ... what is there?

Ganador de los premios literarios Living Now Awards 2013, International Latino Book Awards 2013 y Moonbeam Children Books Awards 2013. Todos tenemos una puerta con la que podemos acceder a nuestra imaginacion... Te atreves a participar en el mas maravilloso viaje a tu interior?

Un dia, leyendo mi cuento respire una de esas palabras, y sucedio algo magico... Entre en mi imaginacion!

Siempre nos han hablado del poder de la imaginacion, pero que es la imaginacion? Como funciona?

Hay un lugar magico donde siempre puedes ser tu mismo. En ese magico lugar puedes encender tu luz y con ella iluminar tu vida. Ese lugar es tu imaginacion. Tu imaginacion tiene vida y voz propia. Es como una voz que habla en tu interior y va pintando de colores todo a tu alrededor. Dentro de tu imaginacion tu eres el rey o la reina de tu creacion. Abre la puerta y juega a descubrir como funciona por dentro ese lugar donde siempre podemos ser nosotros mismos. Y dentro de tu imaginacion... que hay?

Industry Reviews

"A children's book that recognizes the imagination as a place for practice."

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