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Kenkoku University and the Experience of Pan-Asianism - Yuka Hiruma Kishida

Kenkoku University and the Experience of Pan-Asianism

By: Yuka Hiruma Kishida, Artem Suslov (Translator)

Hardcover | 5 December 2023

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ENG: Kenkoku University and the Experience of Pan-Asianism makes a fresh contribution to the recent effort to re-examine the Japanese wartime ideology of Pan-Asianism by focusing on the experiences of students at Kenkoku University or "Nation-Building University," abbreviated as Kendai (1938-1945). Located in the northeastern provinces of China commonly designated Manchuria, the university proclaimed to realize the goal of minzoku kyowa ("ethnic harmony"). It recruited students of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Mongolian and Russian backgrounds and aimed to foster a generation of leaders for the state of Manchukuo. Distinguishing itself from other colonial schools within the Japanese Empire, Kendai promised ethnic equality to its diverse student body, while at the same time imposing Japanese customs and beliefs on all students.

RUS: Во время Второй мировой войны расположенный в оккупированной Маньчжурии университет Кенкоку провозгласил своей целью достижение этнической гармонии . В него набирали студентов японского, китайского, корейского, тайваньского, монгольского и русского происхождения, а целью обучения было воспитание лидеров для марионеточного государства Маньчжоу-Го. В отличие от других колониальных школ Японской империи, этот университет обещал этническое равенство разнородному контингенту учащихся, но в то же k

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