Born-Again Dirt : Farming to the Glory of God - Noah Sanders

Born-Again Dirt

Farming to the Glory of God

By: Noah Sanders, Joel Salatin (Foreword by)

Paperback | 11 May 2013

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Do you desire to glorify God through the way you farm? Are you tired of reading books on farming and food production that ignore God as Creator? Have you ever wondered what agriculture would look like if it was based on the Bible instead of on evolution, Mother Nature, or the latest manipulations of life by science? In Born Again Dirt, Noah Sanders encourages Christian farmers to evaluate their farming methods in light of Scripture. This book looks at various Biblical principles related to agriculture and provides examples of practical application. Topics covered include: -Designing farms as beautiful, fruitful homes. -Honoring God's design in farm production -Growing crops that honor the Lord -Marketing as ministry -The idolatry of modern agriculture -Advantages of the farming lifestyle -Starting a farm and making a living. Without claiming to have all the answers, Born Again Dirt seeks to inspire you to develop a vision for God-glorifying agriculture . This book is a must read for any Christian who is a full time farmer, backyard gardener, or for anyone who desires a more Biblical view of agriculture.

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