Preface Topographic Anatomy Thoracic limb (A. Wunsche, R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Skeleton of the thoracic limb Muscles and nerves of the shoulder, arm, and forearm Cutaneous nerves, blood vessels, and lymph nodes of the thoracic limb Vessels and nerves of the manus Interdigital nerves and vessels, interossei, and fasciae of the manus Synovial structures of the thoracic limb Pelvic limb (A. Wunsche, R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Skeleton of the pelvic limb Lateral thigh and cranial crural muscles with their nerves Medial thigh and caudal crural muscles with their nerves Cutaneous nerves, blood vessels, and lymph nodes of the pelvic limb Arteries, veins, and nerves of the pes Dermis of the hoof (Ch. Mulling and K.-D. Budras) The hoof (ungula) (Ch. Mulling and K.-D. Budras) Synovial structures of the pelvic limb (Ch. Mulling and K.-D. Budras) Head (R. Habel, and K.-D. Budras) Skull and hyoid apparatus (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Skull with teeth (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Skull with paranasal sinuses and horns (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Superficial veins of the head, facial n. (VII), and facial muscles (S. Buda and K.-D. Budras) Trigeminal n. (V3 and V2), masticatory mm., salivary gll., and lymphatic system (S. Buda and K.-D. Budras) Accessory organs of the eye (P. Simoens and K.-D. Budras) The eyeball (bulbus oculi) (P. Simoens and K.-D. Budras) Nose and nasal cavities, oral cavity and tongue (S. Buda, R. Habel, and K.-D. Budras) Pharynx and larynx (S. Buda, R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Arteries of the head and head-neck junction, the cran. nn. of the vagus group (IX-XI), and the hypoglossal n. (XII)(S. Buda and K.-D. Budras) Central nervous system and cranial nerves The brain (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras Cranial nerves I-V (S. Buda, H. Bragulla and K.-D. Budras) Cranial nerves VI-XII (S. Buda, H. Bragulla, and K.-D. Budras) Spinal cord and autonomic nervous system (S. Buda and K.-D. Budras) Vertebral column, thoracic skeleton, and neck (A. Wunsche, R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Vertebral column, ligamentum nuchae, ribs, and sternum Neck and cutaneous muscles Deep shoulder girdle muscles, viscera and conducting structures of the neck Thoracic cavity Respiratory muscles and thoracic cavity with lungs (Ch. Mulling and K.-D. Budras) Heart, blood vessels, and nerves of the thoracic cavity (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Abdominal wall and abdominal cavity The abdominal wall (R. Habel, A. Wunsche and K.-D. Budras) Topography and projection of the abdominal organs on the body wall Stomach with rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum (A. Wunsche and K.-D. Budras) Blood supply and innervation of the stomach; lymph nodes and omenta (R. Habel, A. Wunsche and K.-D. Budras) Spleen, liver, pancreas, and lymph nodes (P. Simoens, R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Intestines with blood vessels and lymph nodes (P. Simoens, R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Pelvic cavity and inguinal region, including urinary and genital organs Pelvic girdle with the sacrosciatic lig. and superficial structures in the pubic and inguinal regions (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Inguinal region with inguinal canal, inguinal lig., and prepubic tendon (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Lymphatic system, adrenal glands, and urinary organs (K.-D. Budras and A. Wunsche) Arteries, veins, and nerves of the pelvic cavity (A. Wunsche and K.-D. Budras) Female genital organs (H. G. Liebich and K.-D. Budras) The udder (H. Bragulla, H. Konig, and K.-D. Budras) The udder with blood vessels, lymphatic system, nerves, and development (H. Bragulla, H. Konig, and K.-D. Budras) Male genital organs and scrotum (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras). Perineum, pelvic diaphragm, ischiorectal fossa, and tail (R. Habel and K.-D. Budras) Anatomical aspects of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) (S. Buda, K.-D. Budras, T. Eggers, R. Fries, R. Habel, G. Hildebrandt, K. Rauscher, and P. Simoens) Special Anatomy, Tabular Part Myology Lymphatic system Peripheral nervous system Contributions to Clinical-Functional Anatomy Applied anatomy of the carcass (K.-D. Budras, R. Fries, and R. Berg) References Index