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Bridge Cardplay : An Easy Guide - 1. Finessing - David Bird

Bridge Cardplay

An Easy Guide - 1. Finessing

By: David Bird, Marc Smith

Paperback | 5 February 2021

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Whether you are just setting out to discover the wonderful game of bridge, or have played for some time, your success will be limited without a sound understanding of the basic techniques of cardplay.


In this series, two of the game's top writers explain clearly the various cardplay skills that you will need. Every booklet contains six chapters - each ending with a short Quiz.


 The topics covered in this first book, on Finessing, are:

  • Leading towards high cards
  • Repeating a finesse
  • Leading the right card for a finesse
  • Double finesses
  • Other types of finesse
  • Deals with multiple finesses

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