BSAVA Manual of Rodents and Ferrets : BSAVA British Small Animal Veterinary Association - Emma Keeble
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BSAVA Manual of Rodents and Ferrets

BSAVA British Small Animal Veterinary Association

By: Emma Keeble (Editor), Anna Meredith (Editor)

Paperback | 27 March 2009 | Edition Number 1

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The BSAVA Manual of Rodents and Ferrets is a new title to the BSAVA range. The Manual is split into two distinct sections: the first part is dedicated to rodents covering biology, husbandry and clinical techniques, as well as the diseases particular to these animals. The second part of the Manual is devoted to ferrets and discusses biology, husbandry and clinical techniques, and diseases by body system. Coverage includes main disease conditions as well as medicine and surgery. The straightforward and clinical approach ensures that veterinarians in practice will find it useful as a general reference text.

About the Author

Anna Meredith Emma Keeble
Industry Reviews
"There is a great deal of information in this book, much of it usefully illustrated . . . What impressed me about this book is the increased depth as well as width of information presented". (The Annals of Pharmacotherapy -  August 2010).

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