At a Glance
Published: 10th August 2017
Digital Audiobook
RRP $50.31
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There are nearly three billion women in the world, so why are you not getting as much amazing sex are you really want?
The truth is most men suck at attracting women because they don't understand how women think and feel. If you don't know what women are looking for, how can you possibly hope to give it to them?
Bulletproof Seduction reveals the secrets of a master persuasion expert to show you how to be the man that women really want. The man that women are secretly lusting after and hoping one day will walk into their lives!
Craig Beck takes you through the emotional hooks of attraction. How you can instantly stand head and shoulders over all other men and how you become irresistibly attractive to women, regardless of your own physical attractiveness, height, physique or job!
You will discover that over 80% of all that negative self talk that you worry about doesn't make the slightest difference as to whether a woman finds you attractive or not. Let's be clear; If you follow the step by step instructions of this book you will get dramatically more women, more fun and more sex in your life!
You will learn
• How to breakout of your comfort zone and become fearless around women.
• How to get the self-confidence of James Bond. Become an unattainable man of mystery that drives women crazy.
• How to approach women you are attracted to and what to say.
• The 10 things you should never admit to a woman!
• Why powerful body language makes you so sexy to girls.
• The fastest way to get a number and set up a date.
And much more...
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ISBN: 9781518931574
ISBN-10: 151893157X
Published: 10th August 2017
Format: Digital Audiobook
Language: English
Publisher: Author's Republic
Duration: 04:32.24
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