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Bundle: Electrical Trade Principles: A Practical Approach with Student Resource Access 24 Months + Electrotechnology Practice with Student Resource Access 24 Months : 1st Edition - Jeffrey Hampson

Bundle: Electrical Trade Principles: A Practical Approach with Student Resource Access 24 Months + Electrotechnology Practice with Student Resource Access 24 Months

1st Edition

By: Jeffrey Hampson, Steven Hanssen

Book with Other Items | 4 December 2015 | Edition Number 1

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Electrical Trade Principles: A Practical Approach with Student Resource Access 24 Months

Your students will engage with learning from this new edition of the Australia-wide bestseller. It focuses on essential knowledge of electrical principles within the field.

Fully revised for electrical courses in the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package, including the UEE30811 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician qualification. Ideal for varying modes of delivery, including the classroom, workplace and student self-study.

An easy-to-read textbook tackling the theory students need

> NEW! Revised and up-to-date information on the electrical trade field

> NEW! Over 1000 illustrations to provide variety and meaning

> NEW! Maths Cram to demonstrate level of mathematical knowledge

New to this Edition
  • NEW! Revised content, examples, illustrations and images to keep students engaged

  • NEW! Online appendices providing additional information on refrigeration fundamentals, tubing and fittings

  • NEW! Resources Guide providing overview of key components and supporting materials

  • NEW! 24 month access to CourseMate Express, complete with labelling activities, appendices, glossary, graphing exercises and more. In-text icons linking content and additional activities

  • NEW! Instructor support materials, including customisable PowerPoint presentations, solutions, ExamView testbank, appendices, artwork and simple chapter mapping

  • Available as value-pack, individual print or eBooks, or for LMS delivery

Electrotechnology Practice with Student Resource Access 24 Months

Your students will engage with learning from this new edition of the Australia-wide bestseller. It focuses on essential knowledge of electrical principles within the field.

Fully revised for electrical courses in the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package, including the UEE30811 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician qualification. Ideal for varying modes of delivery, including the classroom, workplace and student self-study.

Address the practical skills students need:

> NEW! Over 500 figures to help visualise topics covered

> NEW! Information on security units and

troubleshooting equipment and circuits

> Assists students to become exam ready through practice with refreshed trial exams

New to this Edition
  • NEW! Revised content, examples, illustrations and images to keep students engaged

  • NEW! Online appendices providing additional information on refrigeration fundamentals, tubing and fittings

  • NEW! Resources Guide providing overview of key components and supporting materials

  • NEW! 24 month access to CourseMate Express, complete with labelling activities, appendices, glossary, graphing exercises and more. In-text icons linking content and additional activities

  • NEW! Instructor support materials, including customisable PowerPoint presentations, solutions, ExamView Test Bank, appendices, artwork and simple chapter mapping

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