Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary [With CDROM Dictionary & Thesaurus in One] : With More Than 2,000 Content-Area Words, From Algebra to Zoology - Cambridge University Press

Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary [With CDROM Dictionary & Thesaurus in One]

With More Than 2,000 Content-Area Words, From Algebra to Zoology

Paperback | 27 November 2009

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The Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary defines the vocabulary students need to succeed in high school and beyond.

Entries cover more than 2,000 content-area vocabulary items, as well as general academic vocabulary and full coverage of everyday words and phrases.

The CD-ROM lets students search for vocabulary by subject area, includes audio of all entry words, offers word family and frequency information, and has a thesaurus and instant lookup feature.

Language you need for school and for life
  • Clearly defines more than 2,100 key vocabulary items from the content areas of U.S. and world history, English, algebra, geometry, art, biology, chemistry, earth science, physics and other disciplines.
  • Highlights more than 1,500 general academic words (like concept, equivalent, and paradigm)
  • Includes more than 60,000 easy-to understand definitions and useful examples.
  • Highlight common mistakes through usage, Grammar, and Spelling notes.
  • Expands vocabulary using Word Family and Word Choices boxes.
The entire dictionary-and more – on CD-ROM
  • Spoken American English pronunciations for every word.
  • Smart Thesaurus that shows related words (for example, laughing and smiling at laugh) as well as related categories of words (for example, weeping and crying) for every word.
  • Quick find that looks up worlds in documents, e-mail, and Web pages instantly.
  • Advanced Search that lets you find words by academic subject, find general academic words, and search by part of speech, grammar and more.
  • For Windows and Mac OS

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