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Cambridge IGCSE⢠Malay as a Foreign Language Studentâs Book : Collins Cambridge IGCSEâ?¢ - Collins Uk

Cambridge IGCSE⢠Malay as a Foreign Language Studentâs Book

By: Collins Uk

Paperback | 19 March 2020 | Edition Number 2

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Collins Cambridge IGCSETM Malay as a Foreign Language is the only published course to offer full and comprehensive coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE Malay as a Foreign Language syllabus (0546). This new edition has been comprehensively revised and updated to support the revised curriculum.

Aimed at students learning Malay as a foreign language, the course consists of a Student's Book, Workbook and Teacher's Guide.

The Student's Book has been carefully planned around topic-based units so that language and skills are taught in context. All topics, grammar and vocabulary are mapped to the syllabus, with clear learning objectives for each unit. Cultural insight boxes also feature throughout the book, offering an insight into the culture and civilisation of Malaysia, linking language to culture to further motivate the student in the study of the language. Each unit includes practice in all four skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - with a variety of appropriately-graded exercises offering progression within and across units. Audio files are available as a free download for listening exercises and pronunciation practice.

Collins is working with Cambridge Assessment International Education towards endorsement of this title.

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