Captain Action : The Original Super-Hero Action Figure - Michael Eury

Captain Action

The Original Super-Hero Action Figure

By: Michael Eury

Paperback | 19 January 2003

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by Michael Eury Captain Action was introduced in 1966 in the wake of the Batman TV show craze, and quickly received his own DC comic book with art by Wally Wood. Able to assume the identities of 13 famous super-heroes, his initial career was short-lived, but continuing interest in the hero led to a recent return to toy-store shelves. Lavishly illustrated with over 200 toy photos, this new trade paperback by author Michael Eury chronicles the history of this quick-changing champion, including photos of virtually every Captain Action product ever released, spotlights on his allies Action Boy and the Super Queens, and his arch-enemy Dr. Evil; an examination of his comic-book appearances; and "Action Facts" that even the most die-hard Captain Action fan won't know! It features a foreword, new cover, and unseen package illos by Murphy Anderson, plus historical anecdotes by the late Gil Kane, Jim Shooter, Stan Weston (co-creator of G.I. Joe, Captain Action, and Mego's World's Greatest Super-Heroes line), and Larry Reiner and Larry O'Daly, formerly of Ideal Toys. Plus, never-before-published Captain Action artwork by Gil Kane, Joe Staton, Carmine Infantino, Jerry Ordway, and Murphy Anderson. Makes an excellent Christmas gift! (Twomorrows Publishing) SC, 8x11, 160pg, b&w

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