Industry Reviews
This very practical and useful book presents a strategy for assessing and integrating the domains of interests, personality, and ability aimed at facilitating career counseling and the career choice process. In a meaningful and informative style, the author integrates theory, research, and practice across these three relevant domains. -- W. Bruce Walsh, PhD, Emeritus Professor, Psychology, The Ohio State University, Columbus; Fellow, American Psychological Association
It is rare to find a book on career assessment or, for that matter, on individual differences that presents an integrative literature review and models of abilities, personality traits, and interests. Rodney Lowman has crafted such a book, one that advances assessment and interpretation for practitioners and researchers in vocational and organizational psychology.
-- James Rounds, PhD, Professor, Educational Psychology and Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Lowman had done it again! This is the best, most complete, and yet one of the most practical books for career assessment available. If you conduct career or work assessments, or plan to, this volume will be invaluable. The book covers the three main areas of career assessment, including interests, abilities, and personality, and includes an excellent summary of the theory and research of these domains. It is also a practical guide with numerous helpful case examples. Assessments are a critical part of career assessment and coaching, and Lowman provides an excellent review of the key assessments necessary to do this work. -- Jeffrey E. Auerbach, PhD, President, College of Executive Coaching; author of Personal and Executive Coaching: The Complete Guide for Mental Health Professionals
What makes Lowman's book special is that he understands the essence and purpose of career assessment, as well as the research integrated from the many disciplines that regularly provide these data. Lowman lays out a process and examines the evidence, even identifying unresolved or still-emerging issues. This book is a comprehensive treatment of the core issues in career assessment that also addresses human diversity, technology, and ethics. -- Mark Pope, EdD, Curators' Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri-St. Louis; Recipient, Eminent Career Award, National Career Development Association (2008); President, National Career Development Association (1998-1999); President, American Counseling Association (2003-2004