Career Mums - Kate Sykes

Career Mums

By: Kate Sykes, Allison Tait

Paperback | 3 January 2012 | Edition Number 1

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I want to go back to work. I need to go back to work. I have to go back to work.

No matter what your story, your reasons, your philosophy, chances are that if you're a mum, one day you'll find yourself saying a version of those words. And then wondering how you'll make it happen. This is a practical game plan, designed to get you back into work and help you stay there.

It won't tell you how to make your toddler sleep at night so you can get to work. But it will give you practical advice on negotiating a flexible work arrangement, so that your toddler sees enough of you and doesn't feel the need to stay awake all night to 'catch up'. It won't teach you how to fix a relationship that's buckling under dual workloads. It will give you the tips and tricks you need to organise parental and household duties so that resentment doesn't become an extra member of your family.

Career. Home. Life. There has never been a better time to have it all.

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