Carmen's Legacy : Second Edition - Michelle Ne Maher Trigg

Carmen's Legacy

Second Edition

By: Michelle Ne Maher Trigg, Katrina Ne Maher Martin, John J. Maher

Paperback | 1 October 2022 | Edition Number 2

At a Glance



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Life does not always hand out red roses.

This book is dedicated to:

Every brave parent who has lost a child in a car crash.

Every brave child who has lost a parent in a car crash.

Every brave child who has lost a brother or sister in a car crash.

Every brave grandparent who has lost a grandchild in a car crash.

Every brave grandchild who has lost a grandparent in a car crash.

Every brave partner who has lost their true love in a car crash.

Every brave friend who has lost a friend in a car crash.

Over the past 26 years, John has extensively told his amazing true-life story to Secondary Schools, Corporate Australia, and New Zealand. He is an Internationally renowned Keynote Speaker, and his confronting and highly motivational presentation about the impact that the roads have had on him and his family changes the lives of everyone who hears it.

Fortunately, he has produced his true-life story as a book and ebook. As a result, Carmen's Legacy is a must-read for every young driver. Never before has such an insightful, impactful and empowering book addressed the dangers on our roads so personally and accurately.

It has taken John twenty years to transfer his Keynote Presentation into a book. It was a heart-wrenching experience putting the loss of the youngest of his four daughters Carmen (18), in a car crash, into the written word. What happened to John and his family has happened to far too many families over the years. Unfortunately, it could happen to your family. John's book is essential reading for a family who has young road users in their family.

At age 42, John was involved in a fatal car crash in which he received life-threatening injuries after an 18-year-old girl, who fell asleep at the wheel of her four-wheel-drive, crashed into John's stationary car. Tragically she lost her life in the car crash. At the time of the car crash, John was married with four daughters; he was a successful businessman and had a significant mortgage, leased cars, education commitments etc. etc.

Four months after the car crash, his employment was terminated because of the extent of his injuries, and soon after that, doctors told him that he would never work again.

Incredibly, more tragedy was to come. Just 30 months after John's car crash, he and his family were dealt the cruellest of blows when Carmen (age 18), the youngest of their four daughters, was killed in a car crash, another victim of fatigue.

John's true-life story is one of triumph over tragedy, and he speaks about the strength and love of his family and the dangers on our roads. He is a widely acclaimed road safety campaigner, and this is a must-read book for anyone who uses the roads.

We are fortunate that John fought through the tears as he wrote Carmen's Legacy. As a result, everyone now has an opportunity to read this compelling story, and once read, no one will forget Carmen.

John is a unique Australian, and his story motivates and inspires as it touches the hearts of everyone. As you read Carmen's Legacy, there will be laughter and tears, but importantly this is indeed a journey of tragedy and hope.

Industry Reviews

Donna: Hi John, I'm glad that you arrived home safely. I am the Adolescent health nurse whose life you impacted so immeasurably today. I hope you didn't mind that I felt compelled to hug you today. I was holding back the tears. I have never heard a more powerful address in my 18 years of nursing. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter Carmen's road safety message with everyone today. Keep on keeping on, John.

Nikky: (teacher) WOW, that is Amazing have just sent your email to the staff, who are soooo excited!! Had a great talk with the driver's ed students today and was amazed by what they took away from your presentation. The details and the message they both received and remembered were impressive. Please know that Carmen's message has and will continue to touch our school, and both teachers and students are very grateful you take the time to talk so passionately and honestly about subjects most would shy away from. A funny story for you, Robyn placed herself behind two troublesome students, ready to intervene if necessary, and she told the staff she did not have to move a muscle as they were so engaged and interested in your story, to which the staff were very impressed!! Hoping they could be like that every class!! Please keep us posted about future events, as it would be a pleasure to have you as part of the program!!


Hi, john. I was one of the year 12s at Lilydale today that heard your presentation. I've been thinking about your life story all day, and I have to say, you've inspired me. You are so strong to be doing what you're doing. And I pray for your family. I've experienced a loss recently too, and I had to step out for a quick moment. But you've shown me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you can share your story to help others in life. I admit I used to be one of those kids that thought, 'it will never be me'. And we have had several seminars on road safety, but it's never stuck into my head. And I feel so stupid and selfish to think it would never be me. Because it could. You've opened up my eyes. I thank you so much for sharing your story with me. You inspire me and may have saved my life.

Brian: I genuinely feel you changed my life for the better today, and I want to thank you. I've recently been struggling with my personality, which has led to (quite unfortunately) depression. I'd been seriously considering suicide until today when you talked about how you went to counselling and then about how the death of your daughter affected everyone around her. It made me realize how selfish and unfair I would be, and again I have to thank you for that. I don't think this message accurately describes how grateful I am, I'm glad you came to talk at my school. I can't even begin to explain how you helped me, and when I think of all the other people with worse problems than mine, who are more or less open about it than myself, I know you helped them out, too. Please never stop doing what you are doing, it's great - and not only at saving lives on the road. Thank you, not only for myself but on the behalf of others too.

Georgia: It was an incredible talk today, I took so much away from it, I currently have a sister who has tried to commit suicide multiple times, after your presentation today, I will write down how much she is appreciated and loved as she must not realise it, and I will give it to her, and with Carmen's help it might make a difference.

Hayley: Jun 9th, 5:04 pm Hello! I just wanted to send you a quick message to let you know that the message you bring to students does stick with them. I recently got my p's, and the first thing I put in my new car was the bookmark you gave out. It sits with the st Christopher medal my dad gave me. Just so I always have a reminder to stay a safe driver and have someone watching over me.

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