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Cereal Killers : Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free A to Z - Scott Adams

Cereal Killers

Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free A to Z

By: Scott Adams, Dr Ron Hoggan (As told to)

Paperback | 15 June 2010

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Cereal Killers: Celiac Disease and Gluten-Free A to Z is the most diverse discussion of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease currently available in a single volume. Cereal Killers explores a wide range of sometimes contradictory perspectives on the various disease processes incited by gluten. These include the many illnesses and increased disease susceptibility to which gluten contributes, as well as ailments associated with gluten-induced illnesses. We also offer some speculations and hypotheses regarding the means by which gluten wreaks havoc on genetically vulnerable individuals, and important reasons why those affected should remain on a 100% gluten-free diet.

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