Get ready for your neonatal intensive care nursing certification exam with the only exam review developed in collaboration with three leading nursing organizations From AACN, AWHONN, and NANN,
Certification and Core Review for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, 6th Edition prepares you for
your examination with hundreds of high-quality study questions and realistic test simulation. Based on the latest test plans of the AACN's CCRN
(R)-Neonatal exam and the NCC's Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (RNC-NIC) exam, review questions cover the changes to the
Core Curriculum and reflect the latest evidence, essential knowledge, and best practices. A powerful review tool on the companion Evolve website allows you to choose either the AACN or NCC question formats, and review material either in
Study Mode or in
Exam Mode.
- Authored by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and endorsed by the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN); and the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN).
- Answers for each question, accompanied by rationales and references for correct answers, enhance understanding of the material.
- Realistic exam practice questions mirror the certification exam content, the multiple-choice format, and the distribution of content.
- Online exam simulation, included free on the Evolve companion website with each new book purchase, mirrors the test-taking experience with questions organized according to either of the two major certification examinations - the AACN's CCRN(R)-Neonatal exam or the NCC's Neonatal Intensive Care (RNC-NIC) exam. You can choose whether to work through the questions in Study Mode or Examination Mode, with complete remediation that includes rationales for both correct and incorrect answers.
- Compact, portable size facilitates study anytime, anywhere.
- NEW Approximately 214 additional review questions bring the total to 789 questions for realistic test preparation.
- UPDATED Thoroughly revised and updated questions reflect the latest AACN CCRN(R)-Neonatal and the NCC's RNC-NIC test plans, changes to the Core Curriculum, and the latest evidence-based guidelines for neonatal critical care.
- UPDATED Rationales in the answer key reference the most recent literature and evidence-based guidelines.